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Business Ethics and Halacha

Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: We hear a lot in the business world today about morals and business ethics. What exactly is business ethics and how does it manifest itself in the world of halacha?   Answer: The subject of business ethics…

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Bais HaVaad on the Parsha, Parshas Pinchas

Lip Service Excerpted and adapted from a shiur by Dayan Yehoshua Grunwald July 9, 2020 The final section of Parshas Pinchas deals with korbanos, which are not brought today. Nevertheless, three areas of practical halacha do relate to these pesukim:…

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Q&A From the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

Insect Aside July 9, 2020 Q:  A large hornet’s nest on my neighbor’s roof has brought terror, and several stings, to my children. I asked the neighbor to deal with it, but he only sprayed it, to no avail. After…

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Defense Mechanism: The Shooting of Rayshard Brooks

In pursuit of the self-defense defense Adapted from the writings of Dayan Yitzhak Grossman July 9, 2020 Last week, in discussing the fatal shooting of Rayshard Brooks by Atlanta police officer Garrett Rolfe, we addressed the liability of a government…

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Can a Lender Pursue a Borrower’s Assets?

Rabbi Dovid Grossman   Case: In the previous section, we discussed the question of whether it is halachically permitted for a business to attempt to collect receivables. We will now focus on the general question of repaying debts.  Question: How…

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Can a Business Pursue Receivables?

Rabbi Dovid Grossman  Case: Many businesses are struggling due to Covid-19 and do not possess as large a cash flow as they did in the past. One of the avenues sometimes used by these businesses to increase their income is…

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Is There a Mitzvah to Lend to the Rich?

Rabbi Dovid Grossman   Question: In the previous segment, we discussed the mitzvah of lending money to those struggling financially. Does this mitzvah apply as well to lending money to the wealthy who may also be struggling during this period?…

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