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Q&A From the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

Cloud Cover Q:  Is there something specific to have in mind when fulfilling the mitzvah of sukkah, apart from intent to fulfill the mitzvah? A: The Torah commands us (Vayikra 23), “You shall dwell in sukkos for seven days.” According…

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Is Commerce Permitted on Chol Hamoed?

Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: There are many halachos of Chol Hamoed that can have a far-reaching impact on the permissibility of commerce during that time. Can you offer a brief overview of the basic issue of engaging in commerce on…

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Leeway in Work Hours

Rabbi Baruch Fried Case: I run a company with mainly frum workers. I noticed many of them spend quite a while on coffee breaks. They already take off time for the lunch break that their contract allows, do I have…

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Backing out of an Online Purchase

Rabbi Baruch Fried Case: While shopping online, a certain item on a Jewish website caught my fancy and I impulsively decided to buy it. Minutes later I regretted the whole thing and would like to cancel the sale. Officially all…

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Unions and Strikes in Halacha

Rabbi Baruch Fried Case: I am a school bus driver in a large Jewish community. The other bus drivers are planning a walk-out as a push for higher wages and better benefits. I’m not interested, do I have to play…

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Picking Fruit: A Guide to Esrog Selection

By Dayan Yehoshua Grunwald October 1, 2020 This guide is intended to serve as a basic primer on what to seek and what to avoid in an esrog. It is not a comprehensive treatment of the subject. When in doubt…

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Halachic Expectations of an Expensive Daycare

Rabbi Boruch Fried Case: My children’s daycare center is very quick to cancel school for seemingly minor things, such as nsow, Erev Yom Tov, In- service days, etc. I am aware that other centers do the same, but this daycare…

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Severance Pay with No Contract

Rabbi Boruch Fried Case: Our company is downsizing, and we needed to let a few employees go. One of them is demanding severance pay, despite there being no mention of it in the contract. Is there any reason for me…

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Is Paid Maternity Leave Mandatory?

Rabbi Boruch Fried Case: As the sole secretary of a Yeshiva, I am their only female employee. When I mentioned to the principal my upcoming maternity leave, he breezily said “in our school we never give extended maternity leave”. Simply…

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