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May a Jew Keep His Business Open on Shabbos? Part 3

Rabbi Daniel Dombroff, Rabbi Shmuel Honigwachs, and Rabbi Yosef Kushner   Question: We are familiar with different types of famous cases of ha’arama (halachic loophole) and “heter mechira” cases, such as pruzbul, heter iska, selling chametz, and heter mechira of…

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May a Jew Keep a Business Open on Shabbos? Part 2 

Rabbi Shmuel Honigwachs, Rabbi Daniel Dombroff, and Rabbi Yosef Kushner   In Part 1, we began discussing the case and question below with responses by Rabbi Honigwachs and Rabbi Dombroff. Part 2 begins with a continuation of the discussion and…

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Commerce and Shabbos Roundtable Part 2

May a Jew Keep a Business Open on Shabbos? Part 2  Rabbi Shmuel Honigwachs, Rabbi Daniel Dombroff, and Rabbi Yosef Kushner   In Part 1, we began discussing the case and question below with responses by Rabbi Honigwachs and Rabbi…

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Can a Jew Keep a Business Open on Shabbos?

Rabbi Shmuel Honigwachs, Rabbi Daniel Dombroff, Rabbi Yosef Kushner   Case: We know that in general, a Jew is not allowed to keep his business open on Shabbos. But there is a concept known as the “heter mechira” that transfers…

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