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Halachos of Daily Living

There is a wet snow falling on Shabbos, and I am concerned that my front steps and walkway will freeze over and become very slippery, am I permitted to put down salt on Shabbos? In general, it is forbidden to…

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The Lost Coin

Is vending machine change up for grabs? By Rabbi Yaakov Rappaport, Dayan for the Bais HaVaad We use vending machines for all kinds of purposes, whether to buy a soda, coffee or snack, or even a newspaper or lottery ticket.…

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Halachos of Daily Living

vayeira I have a snow removal service that cleans out my office parking lot. I don’t tell them when to come. They come when they want. Are they permitted to come on Shabbos? We have seen in a previous Halacha…

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Hack Attack and Halacha

The Halachah Of Hacking Rabbi Yitzchak Grossman With each passing election, the spectre of cyber-crime looms larger and larger. This is in addition to computer hacking carried out in the corporate arena. A number of years ago, a shadowy group…

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Halachos of Daily Living

Is a knish considered pas (bread)? There are two ways to make knishes. Most home-made recipes for knishes involve folding meat or vegetables into a pocket of dough and then baking the knish. Because the dough is baked, this type of pastry…

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Simanim on the Night of Rosh Hashana

Rabbi Moshe Rotberg The Gemara in Horeos (12a) and Krisus (5b) discusses different ways for a person to determine whether or not he is destined to have a good year. One such examples is lighting a candle during Aseres Y’mai…

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Halachos of Daily Living

I have a vitamin pill that contains kosher liver. If I take this vitamin, will I become fleishig? Rav Moshe Feinstein, zt”l (Igros Moshe YD 2:26) writes that if one swallows a fleishig vitamin, one would not become fleishig. The two reasons given for waiting six hours (i.e.…

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Tuition Quiz

Tough Questions for Schools and Parents Costs of living in the frum community are rising every year. Along with regular expenses, the cost of yeshiva tuition is also an increasing financial burden. Likewise, many schools are struggling with financial challenges…

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Daf Yomi in Halacha Topics Parshas Re’ay

Meseches Krisus Daf 9- 15 Converting Your Dishes- Daf 9 Tzeddakah: How Little is Too Little? - Daf 10 An Unusual Sacrifice: Asham Shifcha Charufa - Daf 11 Enjoyed Your Coffee? - Daf 12 Paskening Under the Influence - Daf…

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Halachos of Daily Livivg

Is there a bracha that should be recited on a hurricane? Yes. Shulchan Aruch (OC 227:1) writes one may recite either Oseh Maasay Bereishis or Shekocho Ugvuroso Molay Olom for thunder, lightning or “great winds that blow with rage”. Common practice is to recite Oseh Maasay…

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