Maseches Berachos Perek 1

This Masechta has been graciously dedicated in honor of:

Rabbi and Mrs. Meyer & Shulamith May & Family of Los Angeles

Perek: 1

Daf 2- Krias Shema as The Commencement of Shas
Rav Shalom Kaminetsky, Rosh Yeshivas Philiadelphia
Daf 3- B2B – Ba’u U’Nisparnisu Ze MiZe
Rav Shalom Kaminetsky, Rosh Yeshivas Philadelphia
Daf 4- Learning Before Tefilla
Rav Shalom Kaminetsky, Rosh Yeshivas Philiadelphia
Daf 5- Withholding Wages for Collection of Theft
Rav Shalom Kaminetsky, Rosh Yeshivas Philiadelphia
Daf 6- Torah and Tefila – A Unique Relationship
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Bais HaVaad
Daf 7- The Importance of Tefila B’tzibur
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Bais HaVaad
Daf 8- The Obligation of Kerias Hatorah – Persnoal or Communal?
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Bais HaVaad
Daf 9- Calculating Zman Krias Shema
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Bais HaVaad
Daf 10- Demystifying Sha’os Zemanios
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Bais HaVaad
Daf 11- What Type of Beracha is Birchas Hatorah
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Bais HaVaad
Daf 12- Remembering the Exodus
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Bais HaVaad

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